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The Joys and Challenges Managing Nature-Based Programs Webinar

Rachel Larimore, Samara Early Learning’s Founder, will be presenting a free webinar hosted by Early Childhood Investigations Webinars and sponsored by Nature Explore.

Here is the webinar description:

“Get children outside more!” It seems a common phrase lately with a growing awareness for benefits of experiences with nature. Yet, the reality is it’s easier said than done. Yes, there are many benefits to children and teachers alike by integrating nature into the preschool curriculum. There are also opportunities for integrating nature in even more frequent and meaningful ways. For example, providing daily experiences in natural areas beyond the fenced play area. Yet there are also many administrative challenges when implementing a nature- based approach. Sometimes, for example, teachers don’t like the idea of being outside in the cold. Sometimes children don’t arrive with appropriate clothing. And sometimes parents don’t understand why the children are “just playing in the woods.”

This webinar will help early childhood administrators identify the principles fundamental to a nature-based approach and the benefits of such an approach. Then, using a continuum of nature-based early childhood education as the overarching framework, Rachel will address the unique challenges of integrating nature into the preschool classroom. In this session we’ll discuss challenges and possible solutions related to:

  • Adhering to licensing regulations while implementing a nature-based approach

  • Adjusting program structure to integrate more outdoor time

  • Preparing the physical environment (inside and outside)

  • Supporting teachers to shift their practice to include more nature

  • Supporting families when integrating more nature-based activities into the curriculum

Though the webinar is free, registration is required. Register today!

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Facilitating Young Children's Learning WITH Nature (Webinar)